To attend the conferences Jacques Monod, an abstract submission is mandatory,
Registrations request without abstract submission will not be processed, except in specific
cases (i. g. for Publishers : please contact chairperson).
Chairperson: Iain Hagan
CRUK Manchester Research Institute, University of Manchester, Alderley Park, SK10 4TG, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 7530284701
Vice-chairperson: Katja Wassmann
Sorbonne Université, IBPS, UMR7622 CNRS, 7 quai St. Bernard case 24, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Phone: +33 (0)1 44 27 33 01
The accurate, appropriate and timely control and execution of cell division regulates virtually every aspect of biology from proliferation through development to disease. Universal as cell division is, there is great variation in the contexts, rates and topology within which the cell cycle is triggered and executed. Each distinct circumstance, be it an isolated cell in a unique nutrient environment or, a particular cell in a particular tissue, imposes distinct demands upon the core cell cycle control and genome segregation machinery. Cell division control and execution must therefore be remodelled to suit a spectrum of contexts, niches, or the more radical demands to reduce, or eliminate, the genome compliment. While repeated rounds of symmetrical division maybe favoured by some cell types, many stem cells maintain stemness through asymmetrical division, germ cells pursue reductional divisions and cancer cells often appear to ignore the rule book and divide however they possibly can. Insight into such diversity and control continues to reveal how much more there is to learn about cell and nuclear division. The Conferences Jacques Monod meetings on the Cell Cycle provide a unique forum for discussing and debating these principles and the latest revelations in the field. The next meeting in this series will be no exception. A stellar line up of international speakers will be describe their research at the cutting edge of the cell cycle and division fields to set the scene for engaging debates in the beautiful setting of the CNRS Roscoff Marine Research Station. The intimate scale of these meetings (115 attendees in total), means that, in the likely scenario of over-subscription, the organisers may approach the heads of labs from whom multiple applications have been received to select one candidate for attendance.